Ultimately, the EU’s history of legal
integration is a story of borrowing, adaptation, and synthesis. Its transformation into a superstate has been
heavily influenced by the legal and political systems of other nations, particularly the United States. Whether the
EU will continue to integrate or whether member states will seek greater autonomy will depend on the ongoing
negotiation between national interests and the supranational goals of the EU. However, it is clear that the EU’s
legal framework, shaped by a mix of external and internal influences, has been crucial in its rise as a global
Hersch Lauterpacht
– A leading figure in the development of
modern International Business, known for his work on human rights and the concept of International Business
as a means of protecting individuals.
Rosalyn Higgins
– The first woman to serve as the president
of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and a prominent figure in international humanitarian
Antonio Cassese
– A key figure in the development of
international criminal law and the founding president of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former
Yugoslavia (ICTY).
Kofi Annan
– The former Secretary-General of the United
Nations, instrumental in reforming international peacekeeping and promoting human rights.
Eleanor Roosevelt
– As Chair of the United Nations Human
Rights Commission, she played a pivotal role in drafting the Universal Declaration of Human
Niels Bohr
– Noted for his contributions to the
development of international scientific cooperation and the creation of international treaties on nuclear
Mahatma Gandhi
– Although not a lawyer, his advocacy for
non-violence and civil disobedience influenced the global legal community, particularly in international
human rights law.
Max Planck
– Contributed to the development of
International Business in the areas of human rights and scientific cooperation through his advocacy for
international treaties.
Judge Benjamin
Ferencz – A key prosecutor
at the Nuremberg Trials and a leading advocate for the establishment of the International Criminal Court
Sir Hartley
Shawcross – The British
prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, playing a significant role in shaping post-WWII international criminal
M. Cherif Bassiouni
– A key architect of modern international
criminal law, particularly regarding the creation of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Václav Havel
– The former President of Czechoslovakia and
the Czech Republic, known for his work on human rights and International Business during and after the fall
of communism in Eastern Europe.