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8.   Principles of International Economic Law by Matthias Herdegen 

9.   The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law edited by Daniel L. M. Kennedy and James D. Southwick 

10.               International Business: A Very Short Introduction by Andrew Clapham 

11.               International Trade and the WTO by John Howard Jackson 

12.               The International Court of Justice by Vaughan Lowe 

13.               International Trade Law: Text, Cases, and Materials by Joost Pauwelyn, Richard H. Steinberg, and Michael Waibel 

14.               International Business Transactions: A Guide to the Multinational Corporation by Theodore H. Moran 

15.               Conflict of Laws in International Trade by Dr. Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed 

16.               Global Trade Policy: A New Introduction by William A. Lovett 

17.               International Business and the Use of Force by Christine Gray 

18.               International Trade and Economic Relations: The WTO and Beyond by W. T. Stanbury 

19.               International Trade and Investment by Edwin A. Herma 

20.               The International Economic Order: Justice and Sovereignty in the Global Economy by Edward Peter Stringham 

21.               Global Governance and the Quest for Justice: A Reader in International Relations by James P. Muldoon 

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